追求卓越 成就未来

追求卓越 成就未来

Glory Last Forever

美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校 Dr. Shaofeng Zou 实验室诚招全奖博士生


Department of Electrical Engineering

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences


Ph.D. Research Assistantship 


One fully funded Ph.D. student position at the department of Electrical Engineering, starting from Fall 2022, is available in Prof. Shaofeng Zou’s group at University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. The research focus in Prof. Zou’s group is in the emerging areas of reinforcement learning,machine learning, signal processing and information theory. Self-motivated students with strong background in machine learning, signal processing, mathematics, and statistics are encouraged to apply. More details about Dr. Zou’s research can be found at http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~szou3/. To apply, please send a resume with your undergraduate/graduate transcripts to Dr. Zou (szou3@buffalo.edu). An overview of the Ph.D. program at EE can be found at https://engineering.buffalo.edu/ee/grad/graduate_programs/doctoral-program.html.


What you can expect in our group?

In our group, we conduct research in the emerging area of machine learning, statistical signal processing and information theory, which means great potentials and opportunities for your future career in both industry and academia. I devote a considerable amount of time to workclosely with my students. The students may expect a high research throughput with effective teamwork. 


Dr. Shaofeng Zou is an assistant professor in the EE department, University at Buffalo. Before joining UB, he was a postdoc at Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He completed the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Syracuse University. He received the B. E. degree (with honors) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2011.


About University at Buffalo and department of Electrical Engineering

University at Buffalo is a leading research university located in Buffalo, New York, United States. As the largest, most comprehensive institution in the State University of New York system, our research, creative activity and people positively impact the world. We have a very strong Electrical Engineering program, with about 36 faculty. The EE department includes numerous IEEE Fellows, National Science Foundation CAREER Award winners, top IEEE

Transactions journal editors, most highly cited researchers in the world in

engineering, and many others. Our graduate program of electrical engineering

ranks #57 in US according to US News 2017.

Office: 228 Davis Hall

Email: szou3@buffalo.edu

Webpage: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~szou3/

