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15 Best Boarding Schools In The World (2022 Ranking)


An investment in your child’s school is really like any other investment—you put in now for a payoff in the future. The payoff in the case of a boarding school is your child having an education and connections that will lead them to having a happy and productive life.

As with any kind of investment, you’re going to want to take a good hard look at the people that are going to be helping shape your children into young adults. If your child is getting to the appropriate age, it’s time to ask the big questions: How many boarding schools are there in the world? Are the most expensive boarding schools in the world really that good? And of course, what are the best boarding schools in the world?

Today we’re going to give you some insight into the world of international boarding schools. You spent time researching your luxury yacht, and you certainly didn’t stumble all willy nilly into purchasing your dream home. So it stands to reason you wouldn’t dare jump blindly into making the biggest investment of your life… the future of your children. This list was compiled by comparing international school rankings offered by reputable educational sites. We analyzed each ranking to identify the absolute best boarding schools in the world. Read on to find out about the top 15 best boarding schools today.

A quick note: The prices per year listed below are the tuition fees. You’re likely to come across additional fees that can add a significant amount on top of the tuition each year. For example, when your child first joins a school, you may be charged an additional enrollment fee on top of the tuition. 





The 15 best boarding schools in the world


15. The International School of Catalunya, Spain

best boarding schools the international school of catalunya spain review - Luxe Digital

ISCAT was founded on the principle of educating youth with a values-based approach. This means that students, aged 3 to 18 years, are not only given a traditional education, but they also participate in the school’s Forest School Program (outdoor lessons involving problem-solving, team-building, and environmental awareness). Additionally, ISCAT has been accredited by UNICEF as a Rights Respecting School, where the articles of the Declaration of Rights of the Child underpin the school’s overall approach. ISCAT is also one of the more affordable boarding schools in Europe to make our list.

ISCAT成立的原则是以价值观为基础的方式教育青少年。这意味着3至18岁的学生不仅接受传统教育,而且还参加学校的森林学校课程(涉及解决问题、团队建设和环境意识的户外课程)。此外,ISCAT已被联合国儿童基金会认证为 "尊重权利的学校",其中《儿童权利宣言》的条款是学校整体做法的基础。ISCAT也是欧洲较实惠的寄宿学校之一,进入我们的名单。

 Spain $7,350 2007 200iscat.es

14. Bromsgrove International School, Thailand

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One of the best boarding schools in Asia, Bromsgrove International School is associated with their namesake school in the UK, giving this school over 460 years of experience to draw from. Bromsgrove accepts boarding students aged 9 through 18, and uses the British Boarding School Association Standards for their procedures. What makes Bromsgrove really stand out is that the main campus is nestled next to a 36-hole golf course, allowing the school to integrate the healthy activity into its curriculum. 


 Thailand $8,948 2002 500bromsgrove.ac.th/

13. Eton College, United Kingdom

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Eton College is one of the best boarding schools in Europe, and one of the most famous schools in the world. It has been dubbed “the chief nurse of England’s statesmen” because of the number of future world leaders that have passed through its hallowed halls. In addition to politicians and business leaders, Prince William and Prince Harry attended Eton for their advanced education. This is one of the top schools in the world where the young forge connections that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. 

 伊顿学院是欧洲最好的寄宿学校之一,也是世界上最著名的学校之一。它被称为 "英国政治家的首席护士",因为有许多未来的世界领导人都经过了它神圣的大厅。除了政治家和商业领袖之外,威廉王子和哈里王子也在伊顿公学接受了高等教育。这是世界上最顶尖的学校之一,年轻人在这里建立的联系将使他们受益终生。

 UK $68,244 1440 1,300

12. St. Andrew’s School, Canada

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Situated on 126 beautiful acres, the campus of St. Andrew’s School, the single largest all-boys boarding school in Canada, is an absolute eye-catcher with greenery everywhere. The school boasts a 100% university placement rate for its graduating classes, and 6,000 alumni provide worldwide connections. With alumni like actors Kiefer Sutherland and Stephen Amell, lawyer and diplomat Vincent Massey, and multiple prominent business leaders on their rolls, St. Andrew’s manages to empower young men who reach success in a wide variety of fields. 

圣安德鲁学校位于126英亩的美丽土地上,是加拿大唯一最大的全寄宿制男孩学校,其校园绝对是一个引人注目的地方,到处是绿色。这所学校的毕业班拥有100%的大学就业率,6000名校友提供了全球范围的联系。圣安德鲁学校的校友包括演员基弗-萨瑟兰(Kiefer Sutherland)和斯蒂芬-阿梅尔(Stephen Amell),律师和外交官文森特-梅西(Vincent Massey),以及多个著名的商业领袖,他们设法使年轻人在各种领域获得成功。

 Canada $51,745 1899 650

11. Amadeus International School Vienna, Austria

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If your child has a real affinity for music or the arts, you should seriously consider looking into Amadeus International School Vienna. Including such notable alumni as musician Bryan Adams and co-founder of Staples, Thomas G. Stemberg, the school’s Amadeus Music and Arts Academy, while optional, puts a grand effort into finding and promoting artistic talents in the student body. And while the school loves promoting the arts, they still maintain a vigorous academic program, based on the International Baccalaureate.


 Austria $13,865 2012 350amadeus-vienna.com

10. Cardiff Sixth Form College, United Kingdom

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Cardiff Sixth Form College is the very top school in the UK for A Level results. Accepting students aged from 15 through 19, 99% of their students achieved top A* and A grades in 2020. This is a school that takes academics very seriously, and prides itself on its high university placement rates, so much so that it has been ranked number one for A-level results for the past eleven years by the Independent School League Tables. 


 Wales $55,722 2004 (as the Cardiff Centre of Excellence) 380ccoex.com

9. Institut Auf Dem Rosenberg, Switzerland

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Welcome to the most expensive school in the world, Institut Auf Dem Rosenberg. Also one of the most exclusive schools, the Institut only hosts around 230 students at any given time, aged 6 to 18 years. With such high exclusivity and low student numbers, your child is guaranteed a hands-on education with their teachers in a teacher-student ratio of 1:2. Alumni include the likes of German billionaire Gunter Sachs, fashion designer Chiara Ohoven, and Mexican chemist Mario Molina who won the Nobel Prize in 1995. 

欢迎来到世界上最昂贵的学校--奥夫-德-罗森堡学院。该学院也是最独特的学校之一,在任何时候都只招收约230名6至18岁的学生。如此高的排他性和低的学生人数,保证了您的孩子在教师的指导下,以1:2的师生比例接受实践教育。校友包括德国亿万富翁冈特-萨克斯(Gunter Sachs)、时装设计师琪拉-欧文(Chiara Ohoven)和1995年获得诺贝尔奖的墨西哥化学家马里奥-莫利纳(Mario Molina)等人。

 Switzerland $150,000 1889 230instrosenberg.ch

8. Leysin American School in Switzerland (LAS)

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The Leysin American School in Switzerland (LAS) strives to not only educate students, but specifically to create future world leaders in their respective disciplines with their Leadership Program. Naturally, the school recognizes that a student’s life can’t be all academics, so it offers weekend trips to other European countries, as well as ski and mountaineering trips in the Alps. The school can boast that 80% of their graduates are admitted to the world’s top 100 universities, so don’t be surprised when in a few years from now, your LAS child ends up picking you up in a world-class automobile or flies you out for a visit in a private jet.


 Switzerland $108,605 1960 340las.ch

7. Le Rosey, Switzerland

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Ranked #1 of the top boarding schools in the world by Forbes, Le Rosey has played host to the children of famous actors like Roger Moore, David Niven, Elizabeth Taylor, musicians like John Lennon and Diana Ross, and captains of industry like the Rothschilds, Benettons, du Ponts, and Rockefellers. Le Rosey features a strong leaning towards bilingual education, leading to a French Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. 

Le Rosey被《福布斯》评为世界顶级寄宿学校第一名,曾接待过罗杰-摩尔、大卫-尼文、伊丽莎白-泰勒等著名演员,约翰-列侬和戴安娜-罗斯等音乐家,以及罗斯柴尔德家族、贝纳通家族、杜邦家族和洛克菲勒家族等行业巨头的子女。Le Rosey的特点是非常倾向于双语教育,可获得法国高中毕业证书或国际高中毕业证书(IB)。

 Switzerland $113,000 1880 420

6. Aiglon College, Switzerland

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What do Princess Tatiana of Greece and Denmark and former Google CFO Pietro Dova have in common? They are both alumni of beautiful Aiglon College. One of the unique features of the school is that they recognize that burn-out is a very real thing, even amongst the young, and with that in mind they have the entire school come together for a meditation session for 20 minutes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday morning for the sake of mental health and community-building.


 Switzerland $38,798 1949 400 aiglon.ch/

5. American International School – Salzburg, Austria

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With a student-to-teacher ratio of 3:1, and a maximum student body of 100, you can be assured that your child will receive the attention and dedication they need at the American International School, located in beautiful Salzburg, Austria. If your child is really blossoming and excited about their studies, AIS offers an additional summer school program, as well as a Summer Language Program, intended to promote bilingualism. 


 Austria $16,300 1976 100ais-salzburg.at

4. Brillantmont International School, Switzerland

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One of the oldest boarding schools in Switzerland, Brillantmont International School has been owned and guided by the same family for five generations now. After 9th Grade, students are given personalized timetables specifically designed to work on their strengths and to help them prepare for applying to the universities of their choice. It certainly doesn’t hurt that the school’s location is a stunner, overlooking the Swiss Alps and Lac Léman (Lake Geneva).

作为瑞士最古老的寄宿学校之一,布里兰特蒙特国际学校由同一个家族拥有并指导,至今已有五代。九年级以后,学生会得到专门为他们设计的个性化时间表,以发挥他们的优势,并帮助他们为申请自己选择的大学做准备。当然,学校的地理位置也很好,可以俯瞰瑞士阿尔卑斯山和Lac Léman(日内瓦湖)。

 Switzerland $32,248 1882 150brillantmont.ch

3. Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Switzerland

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Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz goes out of their way to offer multiple academic programmes: three in English, one in German, and two bilingual programmes (German/English and Italian/German). The multilingual atmosphere, shared by students from over 45 different countries, is going to enrich your child’s grasp of the world and his or her ability to operate within it. And with its beautiful location in St. Moritz, you parents are going to be happy to visit as much as you can.

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz不遗余力地提供多种学术课程:三个英语课程,一个德语课程,以及两个双语课程(德语/英语和意大利语/德语)。来自45个不同国家的学生共享的多语言氛围,将丰富您的孩子对世界的把握,以及他或她在世界中的运作能力。而且,由于其在圣莫里茨的美丽位置,你的父母会很乐意尽可能多地去参观。

 Switzerland $91,113 1904 300lyceum-alpinum.ch/en/

2. Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil, Switzerland

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Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil prides itself on challenging their students as much outside of the classrooms as within them. Their expeditions programme leads students to locations such as Cambodia, Iceland, Japan, and Antarctica in order to tackle such problem-solving adventures as climbing Kilimanjaro or going whitewater rafting. With notable alumni like Princess Marie of Denmark, and Prince Felix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg representing the caliber of students, your child stands a good chance of making some amazing connections that will help build their future.    


 Switzerland $70,220 1910 300beausoleil.ch

1. St. George’s International School, Switzerland

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Founded by Lorna Southwell in 1927, St. George’s International School started life as a girls-only establishment, with boys not being admitted until 1993. The school’s 2022 International Baccalaureate results were spectacular, with a stellar 100% pass rate, with 48% of those students passing with a score of 38+ points. But life at St. George’s isn’t all nose-to-the-books; the school offers a wide array of extracurricular activities like art, music, dance, drama, multiple athletics, IT, languages, and more.


 Switzerland $29,091 1927 480stgeorges.ch


Choosing your child’s school is a big decision, and we understand that it can be daunting. Don’t be afraid to shop around and really dig into what the schools offer in terms of academics and other life-building experiences. The right school can make all the difference in helping your child grow into a confident young person who is unafraid of taking on challenges.

We would recommend one piece of advice: don’t choose a school for your child, instead choose a school with him or her. Your child’s excitement (or lack thereof) should play a part in your decision. Your child is much more likely to embrace their education if they had a say in the choosing of their school.

 Here’s a recap of the 15 best boarding schools in the world:




  1. St. George’s International School, Switzerland

  2. Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil, Switzerland 

  3. Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Switzerland 

  4. Brillantmont International School, Switzerland

  5. American International School – Salzburg, Austria

  6. Aiglon College, Switzerland

  7. Le Rosey, Switzerland

  8. Leysin American School in Switzerland (LAS)

  9. Institut Auf Dem Rosenberg, Switzerland

  10. Cardiff Sixth Form College, United Kingdom

  11. Amadeus International School Vienna, Austria

  12. St. Andrew’s School, Canada

  13. Eton College, United Kingdom

  14. Bromsgrove International School, Thailand

  15. The International School of Catalunya, Spain

Frequently asked questions about the best boarding schools

What is the most luxurious school in the world?


Le Rosey is the leading contender for luxury at a boarding school. The campus is beautiful, the school offers expedition programs and an extensive arts program, and they even have a mid-morning break for hot chocolate programmed into the day.


What is the hardest boarding school to get into?


The most difficult boarding school to get into is likely The Thacher School, located in Ojai, California. The school has an acceptance rate of 12%. To compare, St. George’s International School, which is the top school on our boarding schools list, has an acceptance rate of about 28%.

Le Rosey是寄宿学校中最奢华的竞争者。校园很美,学校提供探险项目和广泛的艺术项目,他们甚至在中午休息的时候还安排了热巧克力。
















